The discussion about the movie really got me thinking about what kind of Educational instruction would have benefited me the most when I was in high school and I think I would like a happy medium between traditional teaching and the high tech way. I sometimes get test anxiety and might not do well on the test but I do know the content. I could have gotten a bad sleep the night before etc.

The resources for teachers are so awesome and I had no idea that there is a difference between open educational resources and ones that are considered copyright If you use it. I practiced trying to find the websites using the advanced search on google. I also had no idea you could do that. I looked at Flexbooks. I am learning so much already in this class.

I set up my professional Twitter last week but I still need to work on following people and building my profile.

I am still having trouble with learning how to use my blog but I have been reaching out to my peers and watching Youtube videos to help.