The pilates class I did today was easier than the other 2 in the sense that I was really motivated to workout today. I had a lot of energy and was putting my all into it. Despite all the energy I had it was still a difficult video as we did not take many breaks and the instructor moved very fast.



Some photos of me getting ready to do the class-

Pictures of Pilates


I decided I wanted to start looking into the history of Pilates using an open-ended resource.

– Many exercises are unknown on how they started

-Except for pilates

-created in 1920’s

-by Joseph Pilates

-for rehabilitation: some soldiers and dancers first used Pilates as a means to heal their bodies

What is Pilates?

“improving flexibility, strength, and body awareness, without necessarily building bulk”

-resistance exercise

-the 2 elements are spinal alignment and core muscle strength