November 15th, 2020

This week’s video was a little more intense as I felt I needed to be challenged. It is crazy it has been 3 months since I have started doing Pilates. I have seen quite a bit of improvement and I am pretty proud of myself. This video is another one by “Move With Nicole”. I really liked her last video so I decided to try this one.

It was 40 minutes long so it was the longest one I have done so far. She has a very calming voice and goes at a good pace and I almost felt like I was in an actual class with her. She also does a voiceover in the video rather than her talking during the exercises which is easier to understand. My core feels a lot stronger and the same with my legs. I love the feeling after I do pilates because although I am exhausted, I have a clearer mind and more motivation to continue my day.