There is so much to know about social media in the classroom and just using technology in general in regards to you as an educator and your students. I really want to be careful about what I put on social media because I would not want my future students or parents to be upset about what I post. I had no idea that if you are posting or using social media on a school WIFI network they can see what you are doing. I like how Jesse talked about how this generation uses electronics constantly and there isn’t a way to avoid it altogether, because there can also be benefits to it. As educators, there needs to be a conversation about boundaries and expectations about technology. There needs to be a balance. I am glad we talked about this because I was honestly wondering about social media and what I should and should not be posting. This made me question what I have online and a reminder that I cannot just post anything if I want to be a role model for students. I actually took the time after this class to google my name and see what is out there for everyone to see. I also think it is good Jesse talked about how taking away the phones during class my not be the best option cause there could be some risk in regards to parents getting upset. I like the idea of having a phone break in between assignments. I would have loved that in high school. I think I would have focused more. There needs to be some trust in the classroom between the educator and the students. I like how he also brought up the idea of anxiety if someone asked for your phone. I would not want someone to take my phone so I would not want to make my students feel uncomfortable. I appreciate Jesse listing some books for some more resources about this whole subject. It was a very important presentation and I hope to continue to talk about this throughout this semester.