Jingle bells

For this song, I had to learn 3 brand new notes: B7, E, and A. I found E to be the hardest note to learn as my fingers are quite large so they barely fit on the one fret unless I used my pinky finger. Switching from note to note was hard at first as there are 3, but I ended up getting the hang of it eventually. I did have to tune my Ukulele again as this song was in D. So I tuned it to D, A, F#, and B using the tuner on Music Play Online. I originally told Anita I was going to sing with Denise Gagne to this song but she actually does not provide audio with this song so I just sang it myself. It was also hard because there are 2 separate sheets of music to this song so I had to quickly switch to the next page while still playing E.  I made sure that my thumb was staying behind the fret. I found the strumming pattern down, down, down to flow the best but in my final video, I showed myself playing the song using the strumming pattern down, down, up as well.

I have had so much fun this semester playing my Ukulele and I really want to continue playing in the future. I just might have to purchase my own. I really want to get better at playing and be able to play in front of other people. I think knowing how to play an instrument is an awesome skill to have!

Thanks for following along with my Ukulele journey.