Ukulele Progress #2
tuning: I had a little trouble tuning my Ukulele. I ended up using a tuning app on my phone and…
tuning: I had a little trouble tuning my Ukulele. I ended up using a tuning app on my phone and…
Ukulele: So far playing the Ukulele has been a little challenging. It took me a while to finally start playing…
Reflection: I like the idea that there are other social…
What is pilates and what is the history of it? ABOUT: Many people have never actually heard of Pilates before…
The pilates class I did today was easier than the other 2 in the sense that I was really motivated…
My inquiry project is learning to do Pilates in the comfort of my own home. I have never tried Pilates…
I found pilates and yoga to be super similar and I wanted to try a class to compare it to…
There is so much to know about social media in the classroom and just using technology in general in regards…
Today was a little more challenging than last time as this video was strictly pilates. I had a harder time…
So far I have practiced playing with the strings and understanding how it sounds. I have also picked out the…